John 3:16-21 — For God So Loved the Word

John 3:16-21 — For God So Loved the Word
As Christian missionaries arrived at remote and exotic places to share Gospel during the 18th and 19th centuries, their challenge was how to make the Gospel relatable to those who desperately sought to please some deity. The challenge, however, in 2024 America is that we have become a post-God society. We may give lip service to God, but we have replaced God with the comfort of air conditioning, the security of insurance, the wellbeing of modern-day medicine, and the gratification of second-day shipping. This increasing reliance on modern-day comforts and securities has subtly yet significantly altered our perception of the fallenness of the world. It has led to a gradual replacement of God with modern-day conveniences.
Where does your comfort come from?
While air conditioning offers undeniable and even needed comfort, it also encourages a focus on physical ease and luxury. Our constant pursuit of comfort distracts us from seeking a deeper peace that comes from relationship with God. In moments of discomfort, instead of turning to the Lord, we often look for some thermostat to turn up. I mean that literally and figuratively. Our society is consumed with finding a way where you can live your life without experiencing any discomfort. However, in the process, we miss out on the spiritual growth that can come from enduring hardships (cf. Romans 5:3-5).
Where does your security come from?
Insurance can be a wonderful modern-day invention that provides a sense of security against life's uncertainties. While it is wise to mitigate our risks and protect our assets, this reliance on insurance can sometimes overshadow our trust in the providence of God. Scripture encourages us to place our trust in God's provision and care (cf. Matthew 6:25-34). Yet, in our quest for security, we find ourselves leaning more on godless organizations than on the assurance of Almighty God's constant presence and protection.
Where does your wellbeing come from?
Advancements in medical science have significantly improved our quality of life. They offer treatments and cures for ailments that were not available to kings and queens just a century ago. However, we made a wrong turn somewhere when our reliance on modern medicine diminishes our faith in God's healing power. While we should seek all available and reasonable medical help, we must also remember to seek God's guidance and healing through prayer (cf. James 5:14-15). Trusting in God to heal over medical professionals restores our physical and spiritual wholeness.
The Contentment of Second-Day Shipping
Rapid delivery services, like second-day shipping and even same day delivery, have altered our expectations to incessantly demand instant gratification. We are growing accustomed to having our wishes met with the click of a button. We are the microwave generation. This convenience, while incredibly satisfying, erodes our self-discipline, patience, and contentment. We no longer rely on Christ to be content in all circumstances (cf. Philippians 4:11-13).
The danger to all these modern conveniences like air conditioning, insurance, modern medicine, and rapid delivery services is that they replace our reliance on and relationship with God. We miss out on experiencing the abundant life given to us through Christ's sacrifice as John 3:16 says:
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son?
If you don't, what is stopping you?
If you do believe, are you living in the realities of everlasting life?
As Christian missionaries arrived at remote and exotic places to share Gospel during the 18th and 19th centuries, their challenge was how to make the Gospel relatable to those who desperately sought to please some deity. The challenge, however, in 2024 America is that we have become a post-God society. We may give lip service to God, but we have replaced God with the comfort of air conditioning, the security of insurance, the wellbeing of modern-day medicine, and the gratification of second-day shipping. This increasing reliance on modern-day comforts and securities has subtly yet significantly altered our perception of the fallenness of the world. It has led to a gradual replacement of God with modern-day conveniences.
Where does your comfort come from?
While air conditioning offers undeniable and even needed comfort, it also encourages a focus on physical ease and luxury. Our constant pursuit of comfort distracts us from seeking a deeper peace that comes from relationship with God. In moments of discomfort, instead of turning to the Lord, we often look for some thermostat to turn up. I mean that literally and figuratively. Our society is consumed with finding a way where you can live your life without experiencing any discomfort. However, in the process, we miss out on the spiritual growth that can come from enduring hardships (cf. Romans 5:3-5).
Where does your security come from?
Insurance can be a wonderful modern-day invention that provides a sense of security against life's uncertainties. While it is wise to mitigate our risks and protect our assets, this reliance on insurance can sometimes overshadow our trust in the providence of God. Scripture encourages us to place our trust in God's provision and care (cf. Matthew 6:25-34). Yet, in our quest for security, we find ourselves leaning more on godless organizations than on the assurance of Almighty God's constant presence and protection.
Where does your wellbeing come from?
Advancements in medical science have significantly improved our quality of life. They offer treatments and cures for ailments that were not available to kings and queens just a century ago. However, we made a wrong turn somewhere when our reliance on modern medicine diminishes our faith in God's healing power. While we should seek all available and reasonable medical help, we must also remember to seek God's guidance and healing through prayer (cf. James 5:14-15). Trusting in God to heal over medical professionals restores our physical and spiritual wholeness.
The Contentment of Second-Day Shipping
Rapid delivery services, like second-day shipping and even same day delivery, have altered our expectations to incessantly demand instant gratification. We are growing accustomed to having our wishes met with the click of a button. We are the microwave generation. This convenience, while incredibly satisfying, erodes our self-discipline, patience, and contentment. We no longer rely on Christ to be content in all circumstances (cf. Philippians 4:11-13).
The danger to all these modern conveniences like air conditioning, insurance, modern medicine, and rapid delivery services is that they replace our reliance on and relationship with God. We miss out on experiencing the abundant life given to us through Christ's sacrifice as John 3:16 says:
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son?
If you don't, what is stopping you?
If you do believe, are you living in the realities of everlasting life?
Posted in Gospel of John
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