Shalom Shattered: A Savior is Needed

Genesis 3:1-20 — Shalom Shattered: A Savior is Needed

The Hebrew word "Shālôm" translated into English as "peace" means more than the absence of conflict. Shālôm is a holistic and all-consuming peace that changes everything. It signifies the idea of completeness, soundness, wholeness, salvation, integrity, community, connectedness in right relationship (to God, His creation, and His people), righteousness, justice, and well-being (physical, psychological, and spiritual). True shālôm can only be realized through God. In that respect, shālôm is a peace that goes beyond just feeling comfortable; it is a complete reconciliation between God and man. It is a restoration of the harmony with God that results in His blessing.

Shalom was shattered when Adam and Eve chose to side with Satan in his rebellion against God. They instantly became enemies of God. This brought death, disease, and destruction into creation. More importantly, it separated them from God, so they were no longer able to be who God created them to be, namely, image bearers reflecting and representing God in creation. They brought destruction to themselves and their children. They needed a Savior.

This is why Jesus is called śar šhālôm (Prince of Peace) in Isaiah's prophesy about His birth (Isaiah 9:6). Through His life, death, and resurrection, Satan and sin would ultimately be defeated. The shālôm offered through Christ Jesus fulfills every longing of the human heart—regardless of present circumstances because it restores into proper relationship with the Source of all life.

Over the next four Sundays, I will be doing a series of messages on the Birth of our Savior:
  1. Dec 3rd — Shalom Shattered: A Savior is Needed
  2. Dec 10th — Shalom Anticipated: A Savior is Coming
  3. Dec 17th — Shalom Incarnated: A Savior is Born
  4. Dec 24th — Shalom Realized: A Savior is Here
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