
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Scripture teaches that the pastors' role is "equipping the saints for the work of the ministry" (Ephesians 4:12). Therefore, we desire to see every member of KCC grow in godliness and maturity by using his/her God-given gifts to minister to the rest of the Body of Christ. We also desire to demonstrate God’s love through practical acts of service, meeting the tangible needs of our congregation as a reflection of Jesus’ servant heart. Consequently, we desire to see everyone at KCC using the gifts and abilities that God has given them.

Serving Leaders

Pastor Stephen Abdo

Alan Barrington

Serve Your church

Use your God-Given abilities, talents, and gifts to Build up the Church and Spread the Gospel.

Using our abilities, talents, and gifts to serve the Body will not only bless others but will also bless the one who is serving.  Serving the Body of Christ is a vital way by which God shows us His grace, and brings spiritual maturity into our live


How do I Serve?

To serve at KCC, you will be asked to attend a servants' training, read The Calvary Chapel Distinctives book, and do 1-1 Discipleship. A background check is needed to serve in the Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, or to work with anyone who is under 18 years of age.

How do I SERVE with kids?

Serving in Children's Ministry is on a once a month rotatioin.  The ministry leader  prepares the lesson and activity ahead of time.  You will teach a lesson focused on nurturing the faith of the children with the goal of laying a foundation of Biblical truth in the children’s life at an early age.

How do I SERVE with Hospitality/Setup?

Being part of a hospitality/setup team is a once-a-month rotation where you can serve as an usher, greeter, or help with setup.  This requires coming to church at 9 am to complete setup before prayer meeting at 9:45am, serving at one of the stations (greeter, usher, parking, info table), then putting things back into storage after the service.

How do I SERVE with students?

Students ministry exists to disciple our youth to know, love and serve our Lord. We desire to shape their worldview through the Word of God. This is not meant to replace discipleship at home but rather to supplement and support it in order to develop them into godly men and women. Our desire is to see our youth being godly, healthy, and well-adjusted who are growing in the knowledge of our Lord and impacting the world for Him; walking victoriously through the power of the Holy Spirit in what our Lord calls them to do.

Questions about serving?

We love to clarify serving requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.