Our Distinctives

what makes us different (or not so different).
We exist to exalt our Savior and build up one another in faith. Just like at the birth of the church, we desire to continue "steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers" (Acts 2:42).
We are:
This also means that although we have conviction and core beliefs including a statement of faith, we do not overly emphasize doctrines that only serve to divide the Body of Christ.
We are:
- Christian
- Evangelical
- Dispensationalist
- Pre-Millennial
- Pre-Tribulational
- Complementarian
- Non-denominational
This also means that although we have conviction and core beliefs including a statement of faith, we do not overly emphasize doctrines that only serve to divide the Body of Christ.