J. Stephen Abdo
Senior Pastor
The Lord called us to plant Koinonia in 2022. I literally grew up in the church and was involved in the ministry at a very young age. Over the past 36 years of bi-vocational ministry, I have served as a youth leader, worship leader, Bible Study teacher, pastor, and elder in a variety of ministries, cultures, churches, and countries.
In addition to degrees in engineering and business administration, I am currently completing a Master of Theology degree at Dallas Theological Seminary. I am married to my beautiful and godly wife, Charlene. We have one son, Ethan, who also partners with us in ministry.
In addition to degrees in engineering and business administration, I am currently completing a Master of Theology degree at Dallas Theological Seminary. I am married to my beautiful and godly wife, Charlene. We have one son, Ethan, who also partners with us in ministry.
Our governing body is the board of elders, which is comprised of our elders and the Lead Pastor. As a church plant, our elders are currently pastors from other Calvary Chapel churches that support us. The function of the board of elders is to lead the congregation in the pursuit of KCC's mission and provide spiritual oversight.

David Marini
Pastor Emeritus
Calvary Chapel Chapel Hill

Jeff Birmingham
Senior Pastor
River Rocks Church