Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
The goal of the ministry is to partner with parents to lay a foundation of Biblical truth in the children’s life at an early age. We aim to nurture their faith, character, and love for the Lord Jesus. Our children’s ministry exists to see families at KCC become followers of Christ with a strong love for the Lord.

Sunday Mornings
What to expect: Bring your children with you into the sanctuary. We will all worship together until the sermon is about to start. Then, a teacher will take the children to an adjacent room. The teacher will then give an age-appropriate lesson focused on nurturing their faith with the goal of laying a foundation of Biblical truth. The teacher will bring the children back after the sermon has ended. The objective for this is to train the children to be in church with adult while still minister to their needs with an age-appropriate lesson.