The 2024 Election
America unburdens itself
The satirical site, the Babylon Bee, had an article this week with Vice President Harris’ picture underneath the title: America Unburdens Itself From What Has Been. This is a play on the Marxist revolutionary motto "unburdened by what has been." Ironically, the burden of America over the past couple of decades has been nothing but a sinister Marxist agenda to fundamentally change our country into a godless nation. While politicians on the left sought to systematically remove God and our Christians values from every aspect of our society, they keep paying lip service to "God."
Who is Kamala's god?
This is why it is ironic that Vice President Harris ended her concession speech this week with "May God bless you!" By mentioning God, she was either taking His name in vain or she was referring to a god other than the God of Scripture. I say this because a person cannot advocate for the dismembering babies in their mothers' wombs, advance every sexual perversion, and stand against every Biblical value and then end a speech with "May God bless you!" It is a mockery of God and God is not mocked. In one of her recent rallies, VP Harris told someone in the audience who shouted, "Jesus is Lord!", "You are at the wrong rally!" If you are a Christian, then you should take VP Harris at her word. The best response I saw to this is from a cartoonist who drew VP Harris before the pearly gates with Saint Peter telling VP Harris, "You are at the wrong rally!"
God removes kings and raises up kings
After God had revealed the meaning of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream to Daniel, he said:
And He changes the times and the seasons;
He removes kings and raises up kings;
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to those who have understanding. (Daniel 2:21)
One thing we must always keep in mind, God is in control of the events of history. He establishes kingdoms and topples kingdoms. He installs kings and pushes kings aside. Just like President Trump dodged a literal bullet recently, America dodged a figurative bullet this week. The results of this election were an expression of God mercy on our nation.
Takeaways from This Election
But the problem with our country is not merely who is or is not in office. The problem in our country is that those who profess to know Christ, live in a way that dishonors the Lord. The reason why our country is in this mess is because the people of God forsook the Word of God and forsook living for God. We got distracted by living for our comfort. So, we must not take this time to over-celebrate this win. We must not even see this as a win. This is a Band-Aid. This is a reprieve. God is giving us rest from those who hate us, hate His word, and hate Him. This means we must not take this time to go home and become couch potatoes again. As those who profess to be God's people, we must not return to living for ourselves, for our pleasure, for our entertainment, for our comfort. God told Solomon when he dedicated the temple to God:
... if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
God has just given us four more years to repent, four more years to humble ourselves, four more years to pray and seek His face, four more years to turn from our wicked ways. We need to return to righteousness. We need to return to truth. We need to return to justice. Only when God hears from heaven and give our land a spirit of repentance by which this nation will return to Him can we consider this a win.
Our response in the next four years
So what must our response be? For the next four year, we need to become true disciples of Christ. We need to pray that God will bring a spirit of repentance to our country. We need to pray for President Trump to restore rule of law, righteousness, and truth. We need to live for Christ as true witnesses testifying to His goodness. We need to love and pray for people, even those who called us names this week for voting for Trump. Our response should be to call others to Christ and experience the true freedom from sin that can only be found in Him.
Consequently, over the next four years, I would like one of us, at least one of us, to be praying for our country every day. I am still considering how we organize and can keep track of who is praying but I would like for at least one of us every day over the next four years to be praying:
Will you join me in praying for our church, for the church in America, for our country, for our civic leaders?
In Christ,
-Pastor Stephen
The satirical site, the Babylon Bee, had an article this week with Vice President Harris’ picture underneath the title: America Unburdens Itself From What Has Been. This is a play on the Marxist revolutionary motto "unburdened by what has been." Ironically, the burden of America over the past couple of decades has been nothing but a sinister Marxist agenda to fundamentally change our country into a godless nation. While politicians on the left sought to systematically remove God and our Christians values from every aspect of our society, they keep paying lip service to "God."
Who is Kamala's god?
This is why it is ironic that Vice President Harris ended her concession speech this week with "May God bless you!" By mentioning God, she was either taking His name in vain or she was referring to a god other than the God of Scripture. I say this because a person cannot advocate for the dismembering babies in their mothers' wombs, advance every sexual perversion, and stand against every Biblical value and then end a speech with "May God bless you!" It is a mockery of God and God is not mocked. In one of her recent rallies, VP Harris told someone in the audience who shouted, "Jesus is Lord!", "You are at the wrong rally!" If you are a Christian, then you should take VP Harris at her word. The best response I saw to this is from a cartoonist who drew VP Harris before the pearly gates with Saint Peter telling VP Harris, "You are at the wrong rally!"
God removes kings and raises up kings
After God had revealed the meaning of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream to Daniel, he said:
And He changes the times and the seasons;
He removes kings and raises up kings;
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to those who have understanding. (Daniel 2:21)
One thing we must always keep in mind, God is in control of the events of history. He establishes kingdoms and topples kingdoms. He installs kings and pushes kings aside. Just like President Trump dodged a literal bullet recently, America dodged a figurative bullet this week. The results of this election were an expression of God mercy on our nation.
Takeaways from This Election
But the problem with our country is not merely who is or is not in office. The problem in our country is that those who profess to know Christ, live in a way that dishonors the Lord. The reason why our country is in this mess is because the people of God forsook the Word of God and forsook living for God. We got distracted by living for our comfort. So, we must not take this time to over-celebrate this win. We must not even see this as a win. This is a Band-Aid. This is a reprieve. God is giving us rest from those who hate us, hate His word, and hate Him. This means we must not take this time to go home and become couch potatoes again. As those who profess to be God's people, we must not return to living for ourselves, for our pleasure, for our entertainment, for our comfort. God told Solomon when he dedicated the temple to God:
... if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
God has just given us four more years to repent, four more years to humble ourselves, four more years to pray and seek His face, four more years to turn from our wicked ways. We need to return to righteousness. We need to return to truth. We need to return to justice. Only when God hears from heaven and give our land a spirit of repentance by which this nation will return to Him can we consider this a win.
Our response in the next four years
So what must our response be? For the next four year, we need to become true disciples of Christ. We need to pray that God will bring a spirit of repentance to our country. We need to pray for President Trump to restore rule of law, righteousness, and truth. We need to live for Christ as true witnesses testifying to His goodness. We need to love and pray for people, even those who called us names this week for voting for Trump. Our response should be to call others to Christ and experience the true freedom from sin that can only be found in Him.
Consequently, over the next four years, I would like one of us, at least one of us, to be praying for our country every day. I am still considering how we organize and can keep track of who is praying but I would like for at least one of us every day over the next four years to be praying:
- That God will send a spirit of repentance to our country.
- That God's people will return to being disciples and witnesses to Him.
- That President Trump will do what is right. That he will allow the church to the be the church
- That all national, state, and local leaders will stop dismantling our Christian values that built this country.
Will you join me in praying for our church, for the church in America, for our country, for our civic leaders?
In Christ,
-Pastor Stephen
Posted in Special Events
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