KBC's 1st Anniversary

In 1 Samuel Chapter 7, we read that when the Philistines, the enemies of Israel, learned that they had assembled at Mizpah, they attacked Israel. However, the LORD defeated the Philistines in a spectacular demonstration of His power which included loud thunder. As an acknowledgment of faith and submission to the Lord, Samuel commemorated this triumph by erecting a monument that he called Ebenezer, literally, the “stone of God’s help", and he said, "Thus far the Lord has helped us" (1 Samuel 7:12). This Sunday, we erect a metaphorical Ebenezer to the faithfulness of God at KBC.

June 5th marks the first anniversary of the beginning of the work of God at Koinonia Bible Church. We rejoice in the faithfulness of the Lord for the past 365 days. We started in our living room with just a few of us having to push the furniture out of the way every week. Now, we are meeting at the Indian Land Recreation Center with triple the size but more importantly with many of you with a deeper relationship with the Lord. The past year has been marked by hard work and prayerful consternation that only pastors of church plants can relate to. Nevertheless, only the Lord is worthy of praise for any work done here and we say, "We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty" (Luke 17:10).

I am thankful for all the faithful brothers and sisters that the Lord has brought into this Church. You displayed love for the Lord, love for each other, and love for the lost. This past year we have already done outreaches in Indian Land and also sent support to pastors, missionaries, and children internationally. I am grateful for the support of Pastor David Marini from Calvary Chapel Chapel Hill, Pastor Jeff Birmingham from River Rocks Church, my father Pastor Nicola Abdo from Arabic Church of the Nazarene, Pastor Doug Nichols from Commission To Every Nation, and Pastor Eric Bjorkfelt from Waxhaw Bible Church. I am grateful for their counsel, support, and prayers.

This past year was not without its challenges. The work of God always faces opposition. We already had those who came insisting on conforming KBC to their ideas and beliefs. Even now, we see the enemy trying to use different things to sow discord. You may never know the struggles it took to get this work started, but I hope you know that we need your prayer, encouragement, and friendship so that KBC will continue to impact Indian Land, our nation, and yes even the world for the Gospel.

With much love in Christ,
-Pastor Stephen

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