John 6:60-71 — The Fickle Followers

John 6:60-71 — The Fickle Followers

In John 6:22-40, we saw the carnal followers of Christ, who were merely after a free meal. In verses 41-59, we saw the skeptic followers, who were entrenched in their unbelief because of rebellion and pride. Now, in John 6:60-66, we see the fickle followers, those who will leave Jesus. When Jesus's teachings challenge the comfort and expectations of the crowd, many will stop following Him. Jesus's declaration about eating His flesh and drinking His blood proved to be a "hard saying" for many to accept. This leads to a mass departure, highlighting the difference between genuine faith and superficial attraction.

Following this departure, Jesus turns to His twelve disciples, asking them if they also want to leave. Peter, speaking for the group, makes a profound declaration of faith, acknowledging that Jesus has the words of eternal life and that they have come to believe and know that He is the Holy One of God. This highlights the difference between the faithful disciple, who has died to himself (Luke 14:27), and the fickle follower, who is only after what he can get out of Jesus. This passage is a reminder that true discipleship requires a deep commitment and a heart fully surrendered to Christ.

So, are you a disciple or a follower?
Have you stopped following Jesus? Why? Are you carnal or a skeptic?
Have you surrendered to Christ? Have you died to self? Are you carrying your cross daily?

I choose to be a disciple! Would you join me?
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