Ephesians 2:11-22 — Brought Near By The Blood

In Ephesians 2:1-10, the Apostle Paul describes the individual believer's change of status. Positionally, the believer was separate from God until he obtained justification by grace through faith. He was discussing all believers, regardless of whether they are Jew or Gentile. All believers were sinners who formerly walked according to the manner of this world. But, because God is rich in mercy, He made us alive with Christ and saved us by His grace through our faith. Now, we are seated in the heavenly in Christ Jesus. Therefore, we continue to walk in good works which He prepared for us.

In Ephesians 2:11-22, after discussing the past and present of believers in general, the Apostle Paul focuses on the Gentile believers in particular. This passage can be divided into three units:
  1. In vv. 11-13, Paul reminds the Gentiles of their former state of exclusion and enmity with Israel and God.
  2. In vv. 14-18, he moves on to discuss their reconciliation with God and with the covenant Jews.
  3. The Apostle Paul then ends in vv. 19-22 with discussing the church, this new temple which has a structure that is made from covenant Jews and the distant Gentiles, and which is built on the foundation of the apostles and Jesus Christ, the cornerstone. This temple, the church, is where God dwells on earth.

These verses are important to understanding the nature of the church universal and its purpose in God's program.
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