Romans 5:12-21 — Shalom Incarnated: A Savior is Born

Romans 5:12-21 — Shalom Incarnated: A Savior is Born

I began this Advent series with a message on Genesis 3 which I titled: Shalom Shattered: A Savior is Needed. Adam's disobedience has plunged the world into sin and consequently curse, disaster, and death. However, the Lord God promised a Savior through the Seed of the Woman who would crush the head of the Serpent and restore the rule of God into Creation (i.e., the Kingdom of God).

I then gave a message on Isaiah 9:1-7 which I titled: Shalom Anticipated: A Savior is Coming. God had given us more details about this Savior. He is the "Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Still, this Savior, the promised Messiah, will not come for another 700 years. But then, as Isaiah prophesied and as the Gospel of Matthew confirms, "The people who walked in darkness; Have seen a great light" (Isaiah 9:2; Matthew 4:16).

This Sunday, I will continue this series by giving a message titled: Shalom Incarnated: A Savior is Born. The Messiah is born in Bethlehem as prophesied. This Messiah turns out to be both God and Man as Isaiah's prophesy indicated (e.g., "Mighty God" in Isaiah 9:6). God is a spirit but now the Son, the second member of the Trinity, will be incarnated. The word "incarnated" means "to be put in flesh." Carne is derived from Latin and is used in several Romance languages to mean meat or flesh. So, the Son of God, the Creator of heaven and earth, takes on flesh and becomes one of us. Why?

I will discuss the reasons and the implications of the incarnation and how it demonstrates God's character. We will look at Romans 5 (especially vv.18-19) to show that in His incarnation, the Lord Jesus demonstrated:
  • God's Holiness in condemning the sinner.
  • God's Grace in justifying the repentant.
  • God's Power in sanctifying the believer.
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