Must Obey God Rather Than Man

Should Christians obey civil authorities?
Over the past couple of years, many Christian leaders have been emphatic in their strict interpretation of Romans 13: you must obey government edicts or you are not a good Christian. Or so we are told!
  • But . . . is that true?
  • Should we obey all laws regardless of whether they align with Scripture or not?
  • Does civil disobedience means disobedience to God?
Ironically, the first 300 years of the church were categorically marked by civil disobedience. Why would the early church have been persecuted had they not refused to obey civil authorities—Roman, Jewish, or otherwise—in one area or another? As our nation becomes progressively hostile to God and His Word, we may find ourselves increasingly at odds with laws, regulations, and government mandates which may require us to take stand through civil disobedience.

Acts 4 records the first instance of such civil disobedience. Although the leaders in Jerusalem could not argue that the miracle had happened, not only did they persist in their unbelief, but they commanded the Apostles "not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus" (Acts 4:18). The Apostles' response to the elites of their day is perhaps one of the most critical statements in the Book of Acts:
  • "Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard."
This ought to be the Christian refrain in response to our modern-day aristocracy—whether political or religious, secular or self-professing Christian—when they command us to do that which conflicts with God's commands.
The Apostles' response is characterized by the following:

1. It made a resolute stand.
The Apostles' response was unwavering and almost defiant. They did not flinch in their bold disobedience to man because, unlike hypocrites, they feared God more than they feared man (cf. Matthew 10:28, Luke 12:5).
Hebrews 13:6 says:
  • So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
When you have the right perspective on who God is, your allegiance to Him will become unwavering. The Apostles could not do anything other than speak of what they have seen and heard. They will continue to affirm their most emphatic refusal to obey anyone other than God (Acts 5:29).

2. It made the aristocracy culpable.
The Apostles were not afraid of these elites. Instead, they established their culpability and indicted them with the death of Jesus. They implied that the Sanhedrin no longer represented God nor His will. So, the Apostles must follow God’s command over the contrary will of the Sanhedrin. 

3. It made an appeal to the conscience.
Of course, the Sanhedrin balked at the Apostles questioning their authority and their position as those who speak for God. They considered the Apostles as rebels. The Apostles, though, appealed to the conscience of those supposed men of God. That was the point of the rhetoric of asking them to make "[righteousness judgement] whether it is right give heed to [them] rather than God."

4. It put the focus on Christ
The Apostles refused to comply with the orders of the Sanhedrin because they cannot but proclaim what they "have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20, cf. Acts 22:15). The apostles must testify to the Lord Jesus, His healing, His teaching, His resurrection, and His ascension. They cannot but testify about Christ because His love filled their hearts and impelled them by an irresistible conviction.

Acts 4 affirms limiting the power of human institutions. Whether it is the Sanhedrin or modern-day elites, no institution should be obeyed when it asks the people of God to do something against the Word of God. We must "render to God the things that are God's" (Luke 20:25). Being "in subjection to the governing authorities (Romans 13:1–7, and cf. 1 Pet. 2:13–17) is not a unilateral command; that would be an affront to the authority of God and Scripture itself. Followers of Christ must affirm the limits of religious and political systems vis-à-vis Scripture and the Christian conscience. Being legal does not mean biblical and it may not even be moral or ethical. Despite the warnings and threats, the Apostles' reply was to refuse to comply with Sanhedrin's command to stop preaching the name of Jesus. When the choice is clear: obey civil authority or obey God, for the Apostles, this was no choice. They knew what they had seen and heard.

What about you?
  • Do you fear mere mortals more than the omnipotent, eternal, infinite God? (cf. Hebrews 13:6)
  • Has Christ's love filled your heart to work in your life personally and through you to those around you? You cannot witness to that which you did not experience firsthand. (cf. Romans 5:3-5)
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