
Koinonia Calvary Chapel

Services: Sundays 10:30am

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We seek to be a church that is marked by worship to God, spiritual growth through the Word, love for each other,  and sharing of the Good News to the lost. It must all begin with being a worshipping church. The Apostle Paul compares the church to the Body (of Christ) with Jesus Christ being the Head (Ephesians 1:22-23; 5:23; Colossians 1:18). It is not surprising then that when the church stops being a place of worship and devotion to the Lord Jesus that it becomes a place of idolatry. 
Spiritual growth is another hallmark of the true church. When the Lord Jesus gave the Great Commission, He told His Disciples to make disciples and to teach them "to observe all that [He] commanded" (Matthew 28:18-20). Therefore, we strive to continually devote ourselves to the apostles' doctrine (Acts 2:42).  A church that is no longer committed to the Written Word is also no longer a church of the Incarnate Word (the Lord Jesus) who gave us that Written Word.
These aspects of the church are not independent of each other. Being a worshipping church will naturally lead to being a growing church. Being a worshipping and a learning church will lead to a loving church. In other words, the church cannot be loving without being a worshipping and learning church. The command of the Lord Jesus to us is to love one another as He has loved us (John 13:34). In Acts 2:42, the word in Greek for fellowship is "koinonia" from which we get the name of our church. It refers to Christian communion, with God and with fellow believers. It has elements of both sharing and connectedness which is what we seek to have at KCC.
As we become a church that is worshipping her Lord, sitting at His feet (in a manner of speaking), to learn and obey Him in loving within and without, we cannot help but to obey Him in the Great Commission by making disciples and evangelizing the lost. Lack of interest in evangelism betrays an attitude of selfishness and lack of devotion to our Lord and even an lack of gratitude for His sacrifice.

Service Times

Sunday Morning

10:30 am

Sunday Fellowship

12:00 pm

Recent Sermons

THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN is a theologically profound and beautifully written Gospel.  It stands apart from the Synoptic Gospels with its unique focus on Jesus's profound discourses and carefully selected miracles that reveal His divine nature as the Son of God. John's purpose in writing, as stated in John 20:31, is to inspire readers to believe that "Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name."  The book emphasizes themes of life, light, truth, and love through Jesus's encounters with individuals and his poignant teachings, all pointing to the transformative power of trust in him. John's Gospel serves as both an invitation to believe for the unbeliever and a source of deeper understanding and spiritual growth for the believer.